5 de dezembro de 2007

Atendimento Nu em Público - O Retorno

Pra além do fato de correr nu em Amsterdã, há uma causa defendida pelo Diretor de Atendimento Mark Schermers. Por isso resolvi me comunicar com o cara e saber dele todos os detalhes da campanha que chamava atenção sobre o câncer e que, afinal, acabou ficando em segundo plano no noticiário.

Mark Schermers gentilmente retornou meu e-mail e contou os detalhes da campanha chamada "Movember", da entidade KWF Kankerbestrijding (Sociedade Holandesa Contra o Câncer). Ele conta que, além dele, 20 pessoas da agência 180 estavam também engajadas.

O mais legal é que em um único dia eles angariaram 4 mil euros!

Abaixo segue a íntegra do e-mail do Mark:

Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 11:19:11 +0100
From: "Mark Schermers"
To: "k a t i a v i o l a"

Hi Katia,
Thanks for your kind email. That is very nice of you. You are right in a matter of days the news has spread like a virus around the world. You’d be surprised at how much response this rather impulsive primal act generated.

I like your comparison to Impossible is Nothing and perhaps this act was a bit in the Spirit of Impossible is Nothing but it was not intentional.

It was all part of an already existing campaign/idea called Movember in which people around the world grow moustaches (also known as “Mo’s”) in the month of November to raise awareness for testicular cancer. About 20 people at 180 joined in this campaign and the challenge was to raise as much money by the end of the month as possible. I pulled out this stunt because I thought it could generate some attention—which it definitely did.

In one day we raised around 4000 Euro. In case people are interested in supporting this cause they can donate to the following charity:

This is the link to the online donation page:
The code for this specific cause is: A3020070315 Movember-180

It would be great if next year in Movember we see Brazil supporting this cause as well!


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